A World Without Orphans

Jul 15, 2021    Episode 114
On Daily Faith, joining us is Pastor Greg Haswell. His passion is to equip the church to walk in its calling. Serving in the ministry for over thirty years with his wife, Michelle, Pastor Greg Haswell moved his family to America from South Africa. He planted a church, and he is the senior pastor of Northlands Church in Norcross, GA. He also serves as chairman of the global leadership council of World Without Orphans. This organization started in 2010 in Ukraine and is now in over eighty-five countries and growing strong. The word of God says in James 1:27, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” The concept within the organization is to encourage the church to step up in its calling with grace, reaching beyond its limitations into God’s plan by adoption. Creating a family environment for these desperate children gives them a sense of self-worth and belonging. Once adopted, their identity has been changed from orphans to beloved children. If the church opened up their homes to one child, what impact would that have on the kingdom of God? For more information about Northlands Church in Norcross, GA, with Pastor Greg Haswell, please visit www.northlandschurch.com or learn more about World Without Orphans, see www.worldwithoutorphans.org.